Water is an essential source for human life. Human bodies are already made up of 70% water. However, more water is needed to keep the organs healthy and hydrated. Hydration is the key to keep all the diseases at bay. It has been said that 8 glasses of water, is a must to keep the body hydrated. But is the body really hydrated, depends on many factors.
Good health does not only depend on drinking healthy water, it also depends on your outer environment. Under environmental stress, your body may also suffer from oxidative stress, caused due to free radicals.
What are free radicals?
The definition of free radicals requires an understanding of basic chemistry! Atoms are surrounded by electrons that orbit the atom in layers called shells. These shells are also known as “energy levels”. Each shell needs to be filled by a set number of electrons.
When the outer shell has the maximum number of electrons, the electron shells are said to be full. While the inner shell of an atom is always full.
If the outer shell of an atom is not full, then it will not be stable. In this situation, the unpaired electron will react with another atom to get a full outer shell. These types of atoms are known as free radicals.

What are paired Electrons?
The electrons always exist in orbitals. One simplest orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons. When there are two electrons in one orbital, we say there is a pair of electrons. These are the paired electron in an atom.

What are unpaired Electrons?
Unpaired electrons are the electrons in an atom that occur in an orbital alone. This means these electrons are not paired or occur as electron couples. When an atom or a molecule has this type of electron, we call it a free radical. The chemical elements having these electrons are highly reactive. This is because they tend to pair all their electrons in order to become stable; having an unpaired electron is unstable.
Fundamental difference between paired and unpaired electron?
Paired electrons are the electrons in an atom that occur in an orbital as pairs whereas unpaired electrons are the electrons in an atom that occur in an orbital alone.
What happens when free radicals bond?
When a weak bond splits, as seen in the above diagram, it’s natural for a free radical to form.
In natural circumstances, the body provides endogenous substances (free-radical scavengers), to combine with the free radicals to stabilize the electron. If these scavengers aren’t available or if over-production of free radicals, the radicals donate to or steal an electron from another molecule, leading to a chain reaction that triggers formation of more free radicals.
The chain reaction results in damage to cell membrane and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), altered enzyme reactions and damage to the collagen and tissues.
Oxygen as a free radical
This is the most well-known free radical. Oxygen is the basis for development of more free radicals in the body. Inherently, oxygen is an unstable molecule.

During the process of metabolism, the O2 molecule splits and energy is released.
To regain stability, the free single Oxygen atom (oxygen free radical) seeks out or steals electrons from other available sources. This may result in a bond/pair with dangerous properties.
If oxygen accepts one electron, it becomes superoxide anion radical.
If oxygen accepts two electrons, it produces peroxide.
Although superoxide anion radical isn’t very powerful, it can easily donate an electron to a nearby iron atom to produce the Hydroxyl radical (OH)**, one of the most potent biological free radicals. OH can react with almost any molecule to cause oxidative stress and damage. These oxygen free radicals are also called reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Lastly, to conclude, the problem is that due to today’s lifestyles, many of us are bombarded with too many toxins and the body is simply not equipped to deal with such a toxic daily invasion. If free radicals are not scavenged quickly, they can cause oxidative stress, which, over time, damages our cellular make-up including DNA.
While free radicals are generated naturally in the body, other sources can increase their number. Additional free radicals can be generated by stress, poor nutrition, pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels and even exercise.
The Solution – TML HydroAce!
No amount of exercising, alkaline foods will help you to fight your enemy Free Radicals!
Because the only way out to fight these harmful free radicals is to load your body with antioxidant-rich healthy water. As the saying goes, "Water heals," but which water you drink definitely makes a difference. In order to overcome diseases or prevent disease formation, regular drinking of hydrogen water from a Hydrogen water crafter is a must.
TML HydroAce, is a state-of-the-art hydrogen water purifier which helps you move towards a healthier life for yourself and your entire family.
The beauty of TML HydroAce is that it also delivers hydrogen water at 8.5 pH to give you the highest levels of antioxidants with over 1500 ppb. If you are looking for superior quality hydrogen water, you can reach out to TML HydroAce which is one of its kind Hydrogen Water Machine.
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